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Tracking numbers (shipment tracking numbers) database. Roll card, bordero, freight card. Excel VBA


A roll card, also called a freight card or bordero, is a list that is included in a group shipment and is part of the shipping documents. Contains information about recipients and descriptions of goods.


The description of the goods is entered into the roll card by scanning the barcode of the tracking number (shipment tracking number). The barcode is on the packaging.


The roll card is printed out and a copy is kept in a folder.


In the event that the recipient has not received a shipment, the tracking number of the shipment is searched for in stored roll cards. 


The search can take a long time. 


The special thing about this program is that when you scan the barcode, the tracking number is entered into the roll card and the database at the same time.


In the database you will find the tracking number, the name of the recipient and the date on which the tracking number was scanned.


You can search the database using Excel's search function by entering the entire tracking number or part of the tracking number. In the search function options, the “Match entire cell contents” option should be disabled.


Searching in this program will not take much time.


When an Excel file is closed with this program, all entered tracking numbers on each roll chart sheet are deleted and the cell for the first tracking numbers is selected.