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Battleships. Game in Excel VBA.

This game is an Excel file programmed in VBA. Form is performed from a user. Game field consists of two 10 × 10 boxes big plans, which at top edges with letters (from A to J) and are labeled on the sides with numbers (1 through 10).

Each fleet consists of 4 ships (1 box), 2 ships (2Kästchen), 2 ships (3 box) and 2 ships 4 box.

The ships not join, must lie at the edge are not diagonally placed and are not built around a corner.

The fleet 2 shoots always as first. The which is bombarded fields are marked with crosses. Taken fields of the vessel are marked with yellow color, the scuttled ships are marked with blue color.

Current number of Cannon each fleet is down the plans. Game ends when one of the two fleets has no guns.

You can repeat each game or start a new.