YouTube Playlist


Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself

List of manufacturing steps and code



0_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Thats how it works

1_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Workbook

2_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Create an input mask

3_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Sheet Calendar

4_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Sheet Calendar

5_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Sheet Form

6_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Sheet Legend

7_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_CommandButton1

8_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Frame1

9_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label1

10_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label2

11_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label3 - 26

12_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label27

13_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label28 - 33

14_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label34 - 59

15_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label60 - 66

16_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label67 - 92

17_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label93 - 99

18_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label100 - 125

19_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label126 - 132

20_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label133 - 158

21_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label159 - 165

22_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label166 - 191

23_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label192 - 198

24_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label199 - 224

25_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label225 - 231

26_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label232 - 233

27_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label234 – Label238

28_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label239 – Label241

29_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label242 and ComboBox1

30_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label243 and ComboBox2

31_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label244

32_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label245 – Label249

33_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_ComboBox3

34_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label250 - Label253

35_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_ComboBox4 - ComboBox5

36_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label254 - Label256

37_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_ComboBox6 - ComboBox8

38_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Time series

39_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Decimal number

40_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label257 - Label261

41_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label262 - Label265

42_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label266 - Label272

43_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label273 - Label277

44_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label278 - Label284

45_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Label285 - Label290

46_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_CommandButton2

47_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_CommandButton3

48_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_CommandButton4

49_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_CommandButton5

50_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Hide worksheet

51_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Activation order in Frame1

52_Create time recording program in Excel VBA yourself_Enter code in Userform1









On Error GoTo EERR

Dim BLATBLAT As Integer

For BLATBLAT = 1 To Worksheets.Count


ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView




Exit Sub











On Error GoTo ERR

TBB1.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

TBB2.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim IC As String

IC = CoB1

 If CoB1 > "" Then


End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zlr" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

Dim AAAZ As Variant

Dim AAAC As Variant

POMO.[a2] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

POMO.[a3] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Column

AAAZ = CDbl(POMO.[a2])

AAAC = CDbl(POMO.[a3])

SPALTA1 = ""

SPALTA2 = ""

SPALTA3 = ""

SPALTA4 = ""

SPALTA5 = ""

SPALTA6 = ""

SPALTA7 = ""

SPALTB1 = ""

SPALTB2 = ""

SPALTB3 = ""

SPALTB4 = ""

SPALTB5 = ""

SPALTB6 = ""

SPALTB7 = ""

SPALTC1 = ""

SPALTC2 = ""

SPALTC3 = ""

SPALTC4 = ""

SPALTC5 = ""

SPALTC6 = ""

SPALTC7 = ""

SPALTD1 = ""

SPALTD2 = ""

SPALTD3 = ""

SPALTD4 = ""

SPALTD5 = ""

SPALTD6 = ""

SPALTD7 = ""

SPALTE1 = ""

SPALTE2 = ""

SPALTE3 = ""

SPALTE4 = ""

SPALTE5 = ""

SPALTE6 = ""

SPALTE7 = ""

SPALTF1 = ""

SPALTF2 = ""

SPALTF3 = ""

SPALTF4 = ""

SPALTF5 = ""

SPALTF6 = ""

SPALTF7 = ""

SPALTG1 = ""

SPALTG2 = ""

SPALTG3 = ""

SPALTG4 = ""

SPALTG5 = ""

SPALTG6 = ""

SPALTG7 = ""








KuNr = ""

TBB1.Value = ""

TBB2.Value = ""

TBB3.Value = ""

TBB4.Value = ""

TBB5.Value = ""

TBB6.Value = ""

POMO.[a1] = ""

POMO.[b1] = ""

POMO.[c1] = ""

POMO.[d1] = ""

POMO.[e1] = ""

POMO.[F1] = ""

POMO.[g1] = ""

POMO.[h1] = ""

POMO.[i1] = ""

POMO.[j1] = ""

POMO.[k1] = ""

POMO.[L1] = ""

POMO.[m1] = ""

If POMO.[a2] < 65536 Then

Dim ††† As Variant

If POMO.[a3] = 1 Then

POMO.[a4] = 0

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

If POMO.[a3] = 7 Then

POMO.[a4] = 6

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

SPALTA = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 6).Value

If POMO.[a2] > 8 Then

SPALTA1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 7 Then

SPALTA2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 6 Then

SPALTA3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 5 Then

SPALTA4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 4 Then

SPALTA5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 3 Then

SPALTA6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 2 Then

SPALTA7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

 End If

 End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zlr" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

TANA = ActiveSheet.Name

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub




Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAZ As Long


Dim V_N$


ZZZRRR4.[e2] = ZZZRRR4.[e2] * 1

Label240 = ""

Label241 = ""

If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a370").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox1.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

Label240 = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5)

Label241 = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5) * ZZZRRR4.[e2]

With ComboBox2

For IIII = 1 To 31

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 1) <> "" Then

V_N = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 1)

.AddItem V_N

End If


End With

End If

For IIII = 1 To 25

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 33)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 33)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 66)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 99)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 132)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 165)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 198)) = ""


If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

For IIII = 1 To 25

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 1)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 33)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 66)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 4)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 99)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 6)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 132)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 9)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 165)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 10)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 198)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 15)

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1)).BackColor = &HFF&

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex = 1 Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1)).BackColor = &HE0E0E0

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2) = "Sat" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 33)).BackColor = &H80FF&

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2) = "Sun" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 33)).BackColor = &HFF&

End If


End If

For IIII = 26 To 31

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 33)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 33)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 66)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 99)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 132)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 165)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 198)) = ""


If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

For IIII = 26 To 31

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 1)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 33)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 66)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 4)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 99)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 6)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 132)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 9)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 165)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 10)

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 198)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 15)

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2)).BackColor = &HFF&

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex = 1 Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2)).BackColor = &HE0E0E0

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2) = "Sat" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 33)).BackColor = &H80FF&

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2) = "Sun" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 33)).BackColor = &HFF&

End If


End If

If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

For IIII = 1 To 31

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 16) = ZZZRRR4.[e2]

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 16) = ""

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2) = "Sat" Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 16) = ""

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 2) = "Sun" Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 16) = ""

End If


ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + 32, 16) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 5) * ZZZRRR4.[e2]

End If

If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

CommandButton4.Enabled = True


CommandButton4.Enabled = False

End If

Call ZeitStunden

Call ZVerlauf

Exit Sub




MsgBox "Duration of the working day is not registered!", 48, ""


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR


Dim AAAZ As Long

Label244.Caption = ""

For IIII = 1 To 25

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 66)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF


For IIII = 26 To 31

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 66)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF


If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

For IIII = 1 To 25

If Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1)) = ComboBox2.Value Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 66)).BackColor = &HFFFF&

End If


For IIII = 26 To 32

If Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2)) = ComboBox2.Value Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 66)).BackColor = &HFFFF&

End If


AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox2.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

Label244.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3)

End If

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

CommandButton3.Enabled = True


CommandButton3.Enabled = False

End If

Dim GGG1 As Integer

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

ComboBox3.Enabled = True


For GGG1 = 2 To 101

With ComboBox3

.AddItem ZZZRRR4.Cells(GGG1, 1).Value

End With

Next GGG1


ComboBox3.Value = ""

ComboBox3.Enabled = False

End If

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

ComboBox4.Enabled = True


For GGG1 = 2 To 101

With ComboBox4

.AddItem ZZZRRR4.Cells(GGG1, 3).Value

End With

Next GGG1


ComboBox4.Enabled = False

ComboBox4.Value = ""

End If

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

ComboBox5.Enabled = True


For GGG1 = 2 To 101

With ComboBox5

.AddItem ZZZRRR4.Cells(GGG1, 4).Value

End With

Next GGG1


ComboBox5.Enabled = False

ComboBox5.Value = ""

End If

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

ComboBox6.Enabled = True


For GGG1 = 2 To 1441

With ComboBox6

.AddItem CDate(ZZZRRR3.Cells(GGG1, 20).Value)

End With

Next GGG1


ComboBox6.Enabled = False

ComboBox6.Value = ""

End If

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

ComboBox7.Enabled = True


For GGG1 = 2 To 1441

With ComboBox7

.AddItem CDate(ZZZRRR3.Cells(GGG1, 20).Value)

End With

Next GGG1


ComboBox7.Enabled = False

ComboBox7.Value = ""

End If

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

ComboBox8.Enabled = True


For GGG1 = 2 To 1441

With ComboBox8

.AddItem CDate(ZZZRRR3.Cells(GGG1, 20).Value)

End With

Next GGG1


ComboBox8.Enabled = False

ComboBox8.Value = ""

End If

Call ZeitStunden

Call ZVerlauf

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox3_Change()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim NOMMER As Long

Label247.Caption = ""

Label248.Caption = ""

Label249.Caption = ""

If ComboBox3.Value <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR4.Range("a2:a101").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox3.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

Label246.Caption = ZZZRRR4.Cells(AAAZ, 2)

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox2.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

AAAC = 6

 ZZZRRR3.[xfd6].FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[1]C:R[394]C)"

ZZZRRR3.Range("xfd7:xfd400") = ""

For NOMMER = 7 To 400

If Label246.Caption <> "" Then

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(NOMMER, AAAC).Value = Label246.Caption Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(NOMMER, 16384).Value = 1

End If

End If


Label247.Caption = "Throughout the year__________ " & ZZZRRR3.[xfd6].Value & " " & Label246.Caption

ZZZRRR3.[xfc6].FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[1]C:R[394]C)"

ZZZRRR3.Range("xfc7:xfc400") = ""


If Label246.Caption <> "" Then

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(NOMMER, AAAC).Value = Label246.Caption Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(NOMMER, 16383).Value = 1

End If

End If


Label248.Caption = "Beginning of the year to date_________ " & ZZZRRR3.[xfc6].Value & " " & Label246.Caption

ZZZRRR3.[xfb6].FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[1]C:R[394]C)"

ZZZRRR3.Range("xfb7:xfb400") = ""

For NOMMER = AAAZ To 400

If Label246.Caption <> "" Then

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(NOMMER, AAAC).Value = Label246.Caption Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(NOMMER, 16382).Value = 1

End If

End If


Label249.Caption = "Date until end of year____ " & ZZZRRR3.[xfb6].Value & " " & Label246.Caption

If Label246.Caption = "" Then

Label247.Caption = ""

Label248.Caption = ""

Label249.Caption = ""

End If


Label246.Caption = ""

End If

Exit Sub


Label246.Caption = ""

ComboBox3.Value = ""


End Sub


Sub crrrch()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ZZZRRR1.Cells(1961, 1962) <> Date Then

ZZZRRR1.Cells(1961, 1962) = Date

ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="", NewWindow:=True

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub



Private Sub ComboBox5_Change()

If ComboBox5.Value <> "" Then

CommandButton2.Enabled = True


CommandButton2.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox6_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo EERR

ZZZRRR3.[w2] = ""

Dim AAAZ As Long

If ComboBox6.Value <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("t2:t1441").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox6.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

ZZZRRR3.[w2] = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 21).Value

End If

Exit Sub


ZZZRRR3.[w2] = ""

ComboBox6.Value = ""

MsgBox "Time by was wrong!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox7_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo EERR

ZZZRRR3.[x2] = ""

Dim AAAZ As Long

If ComboBox7.Value <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("t2:t1441").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox7.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

ZZZRRR3.[x2] = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 21).Value

End If

Exit Sub


ZZZRRR3.[x2] = ""

ComboBox7.Value = ""

MsgBox "Time up was wrong!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub ComboBox8_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

On Error GoTo EERR

ZZZRRR3.[y2] = ""

Dim AAAZ As Long

If ComboBox8.Value <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("t2:t1441").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox8.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

ZZZRRR3.[y2] = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 21).Value

End If

Exit Sub


ZZZRRR3.[y2] = ""

ComboBox8.Value = ""

MsgBox "Time Break was wrong!", 48, ""

End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Unload Me

Dim DAT As Long, JAHR As Integer

JAHR = InputBox("Please enter a 4-digit year", "", IIf(Month(Date) > 9, Year(Date) + 1, Year(Date)))




ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A7:A37"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 7 To 37

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "2/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "2/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A40:A68"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 40 To 68

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A73:A103"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 73 To 103

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")


If CDate(Cells(68, 1)) = CDate(Cells(73, 1)) Then

Cells(68, 1) = ""

Cells(68, 2) = ""

End If


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "4/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "4/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A106:A135"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 106 To 135

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "5/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "5/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A139:A169"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 139 To 169

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "6/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "6/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A172:A201"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 172 To 201

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "7/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "7/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A205:A235"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 205 To 235

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "8/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "8/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A238:A268"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 238 To 268

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "9/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "9/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A271:A300"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 271 To 300

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "10/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "10/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A304:A334"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 304 To 334

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "11/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "11/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A337:A366"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 337 To 366

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "12/1/" & JAHR


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "12/2/" & JAHR


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A370:A400"), Type:=xlFillDefault

For IIII = 370 To 400

ActiveSheet.Cells(IIII, 1).Activate

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = Format(ActiveCell, "ddd")



With Selection.Interior

.Pattern = xlNone

.TintAndShade = 0

.PatternTintAndShade = 0

End With

Dim GGG2 As Object, GGG3 As Object, GGG4 As Object

For Each GGG3 In ActiveSheet.Range("b7:b400")

If GGG3 <> "Sat" And GGG3 <> "Sun" Then  '

GGG3.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone

End If

Next GGG3

For Each GGG2 In ActiveSheet.Range("b7:b400")

If GGG2 = "Sun" Then

GGG2.Interior.ColorIndex = 3

End If

Next GGG2

For Each GGG4 In ActiveSheet.Range("b7:b400")

If GGG4 = "Sat" Then  '

GGG4.Interior.ColorIndex = 44

End If

Next GGG4


With Selection.Font

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

.TintAndShade = 0

End With



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=WEEKNUM(RC[-2],21)"


Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("C7:C400"), Type:=xlFillDefault


ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-27



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-30



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-36



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-30



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-30



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-36





ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-39



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-30





ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-33



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-33



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-33



ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-33


If ActiveSheet.[a68] = "" Then

ActiveSheet.[c68] = ""

End If

Dim LLLL As Long

For LLLL = 7 To 400

ZZZRRR2.Cells(LLLL, 4).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(LLLL, 3).Value


ActiveSheet.Range("c7:c400").Value = ""

ActiveSheet.Range("c7:c400").Font.ColorIndex = 0

ZZZRRR2.[c7] = "New year's Eve"

ZZZRRR2.[c7].Font.ColorIndex = 3

ZZZRRR2.[c12] = "Epiphany"

ZZZRRR2.[c12].Font.ColorIndex = 1

ZZZRRR2.[c139] = "May day"

ZZZRRR2.[c139].Font.ColorIndex = 3

ZZZRRR2.[c252] = "Assumption of Mary"

ZZZRRR2.[c252].Font.ColorIndex = 1

ZZZRRR2.[c306] = "Day of German unity"

ZZZRRR2.[c306].Font.ColorIndex = 3

ZZZRRR2.[c334] = "Reformation day"

ZZZRRR2.[c334].Font.ColorIndex = 3

ZZZRRR2.[c337] = "All Saints' Day"

ZZZRRR2.[c337].Font.ColorIndex = 3

ZZZRRR2.[c393] = "Christmas Eve"

ZZZRRR2.[c393].Font.ColorIndex = 1

ZZZRRR2.[c394] = "Christmas day"

ZZZRRR2.[c394].Font.ColorIndex = 3

ZZZRRR2.[c395] = "Boxing Day"

ZZZRRR2.[c395].Font.ColorIndex = 3

Dim FFF As Object

For Each FFF In ZZZRRR2.Range("b353:b359")

If FFF = "Mi" Then

FFF.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Day of Prayer and Repentance"

FFF.Offset(0, 1).Font.ColorIndex = 1

End If

Next FFF

Dim OOO As Date

Dim AAA As Integer, bbb As Integer, CCC As Integer, DDD As Integer, EEE As Integer

Dim TAG As Integer, MONAT As Integer

AAA = JAHR Mod 19

bbb = JAHR Mod 4

CCC = JAHR Mod 7

DDD = (19 * AAA + 24) Mod 30

EEE = (2 * bbb + 4 * CCC + 6 * DDD + 5) Mod 7

TAG = 22 + DDD + EEE


If TAG > 31 Then

TAG = DDD + EEE - 9


ElseIf TAG = 26 And MONAT = 4 Then

TAG = 19

ElseIf TAG = 25 And MONAT = 4 And DDD = 28 And EEE = 6 And AAA > 10 Then

TAG = 18

End If

OOO = DateSerial(Year:=JAHR, Month:=MONAT, Day:=TAG)

ZZZRRR2.[c65536] = OOO

ZZZRRR2.[c65535] = OOO + 1

ZZZRRR2.[c65534] = OOO - 2

ZZZRRR2.[c65533] = OOO + 39

ZZZRRR2.[c65532] = OOO + 49

ZZZRRR2.[c65531] = OOO + 50

ZZZRRR2.[c65530] = OOO + 60

ZZZRRR2.[c65529] = OOO - 46

ZZZRRR2.[c65528] = OOO - 48

ZZZRRR2.[d65536] = "Easter"

ZZZRRR2.[d65535] = "Easter Monday"

ZZZRRR2.[d65534] = "Good Friday"

ZZZRRR2.[d65533] = "Ascension of Christ"

ZZZRRR2.[d65532] = "Pentecost"

ZZZRRR2.[d65531] = "Whit Monday"

ZZZRRR2.[d65530] = "Corpus Christi"

ZZZRRR2.[d65529] = "Ash Wednesday"

ZZZRRR2.[d65528] = "Carnival Monday"

For Each FFF In ZZZRRR2.Range("a7:a400")

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65536] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value & " " & ZZZRRR2.[d65536].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 3

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65535] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value & " " & ZZZRRR2.[d65535].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 3

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65534] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value & " " & ZZZRRR2.[d65534].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 3

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65533] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value & " " & ZZZRRR2.[d65533].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 3

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65532] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value & " " & ZZZRRR2.[d65532].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 3

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65531] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value & " " & ZZZRRR2.[d65531].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 3

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65530] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value & " " & ZZZRRR2.[d65530].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 3

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65529] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = ZZZRRR2.[d65529].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 1

End If

If FFF = ZZZRRR2.[c65528] Then

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Value = ZZZRRR2.[d65528].Value

FFF.Offset(0, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 1

End If

Next FFF

ZZZRRR2.Range("c65528:d65536") = ""

ZZZRRR2.[e6] = ""

For IIII = 7 To 37

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e6] = ZZZRRR2.[e6] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e39] = ""

For IIII = 40 To 68

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e39] = ZZZRRR2.[e39] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e72] = ""

For IIII = 73 To 103

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e72] = ZZZRRR2.[e72] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e105] = ""

For IIII = 106 To 135

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e105] = ZZZRRR2.[e105] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e138] = ""

For IIII = 139 To 169

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e138] = ZZZRRR2.[e138] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e171] = ""

For IIII = 172 To 201

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e171] = ZZZRRR2.[e171] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e204] = ""

For IIII = 205 To 235

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e204] = ZZZRRR2.[e204] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e237] = ""

For IIII = 238 To 268

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e237] = ZZZRRR2.[e237] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e270] = ""

For IIII = 271 To 300

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e270] = ZZZRRR2.[e270] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e303] = ""

For IIII = 304 To 334

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e303] = ZZZRRR2.[e303] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e336] = ""

For IIII = 337 To 366

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e336] = ZZZRRR2.[e336] + 1

End If


ZZZRRR2.[e369] = ""

For IIII = 370 To 400

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sat" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 2).Value <> "Sun" And ZZZRRR2.Cells(IIII, 3).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then

ZZZRRR2.[e369] = ZZZRRR2.[e369] + 1

End If










Application.CutCopyMode = False

Unload Me

Exit Sub


End Sub



Sub ColmmandButton()

On Error GoTo ERR

TBB1.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

TBB2.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim IC As String

IC = CoB1

 If CoB1 > "" Then


End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zlr" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

Dim AAAZ As Variant

Dim AAAC As Variant

POMO.[a2] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

POMO.[a3] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Column

AAAZ = CDbl(POMO.[a2])

AAAC = CDbl(POMO.[a3])

SPALTA1 = ""

SPALTA2 = ""

SPALTA3 = ""

SPALTA4 = ""

SPALTA5 = ""

SPALTA6 = ""

SPALTA7 = ""

SPALTB1 = ""

SPALTB2 = ""

SPALTB3 = ""

SPALTB4 = ""

SPALTB5 = ""

SPALTB6 = ""

SPALTB7 = ""

SPALTC1 = ""

SPALTC2 = ""

SPALTC3 = ""

SPALTC4 = ""

SPALTC5 = ""

SPALTC6 = ""

SPALTC7 = ""

SPALTD1 = ""

SPALTD2 = ""

SPALTD3 = ""

SPALTD4 = ""

SPALTD5 = ""

SPALTD6 = ""

SPALTD7 = ""

SPALTE1 = ""

SPALTE2 = ""

SPALTE3 = ""

SPALTE4 = ""

SPALTE5 = ""

SPALTE6 = ""

SPALTE7 = ""

SPALTF1 = ""

SPALTF2 = ""

SPALTF3 = ""

SPALTF4 = ""

SPALTF5 = ""

SPALTF6 = ""

SPALTF7 = ""

SPALTG1 = ""

SPALTG2 = ""

SPALTG3 = ""

SPALTG4 = ""

SPALTG5 = ""

SPALTG6 = ""

SPALTG7 = ""








KuNr = ""

TBB1.Value = ""

TBB2.Value = ""

TBB3.Value = ""

TBB4.Value = ""

TBB5.Value = ""

TBB6.Value = ""

POMO.[a1] = ""

POMO.[b1] = ""

POMO.[c1] = ""

POMO.[d1] = ""

POMO.[e1] = ""

POMO.[F1] = ""

POMO.[g1] = ""

POMO.[h1] = ""

POMO.[i1] = ""

POMO.[j1] = ""

POMO.[k1] = ""

POMO.[L1] = ""

POMO.[m1] = ""

If POMO.[a2] < 65536 Then

Dim ††† As Variant

If POMO.[a3] = 1 Then

POMO.[a4] = 0

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

If POMO.[a3] = 7 Then

POMO.[a4] = 6

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

SPALTA = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 6).Value

If POMO.[a2] > 8 Then

SPALTA1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 7 Then

SPALTA2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 6 Then

SPALTA3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 5 Then

SPALTA4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 4 Then

SPALTA5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 3 Then

SPALTA6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 2 Then

SPALTA7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

 End If

 End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zlr" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

TANA = ActiveSheet.Name

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub



Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim AAAC2 As Long

Dim AAAZ2 As Long

Dim OBOBOB As Object

Dim SCHOT As Long

Dim AAAC3 As Long

AAAC = 6

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox1.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

ZZZRRR2.Range("f7:q38").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f40:q71").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f73:q104").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f106:q137").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f139:q170").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f172:q203").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f205:q236").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f238:q269").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f271:q302").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f304:q335").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f337:q368").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f370:q401").Value = ""

ZZZRRR2.Range("f403:q403").Value = ""


For Each OBOBOB In ZZZRRR3.Range(Cells(6, AAAC + 2), Cells(400, AAAC + 2))

If ComboBox5.Value <> "" Then

If OBOBOB = ComboBox5.Value Then '

AAAC2 = CDbl(OBOBOB.Column)


AAAC3 = (AAAC2 / AAAC2) + 7

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 - 1).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 - 1).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 - 2).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 - 2).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 1).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 1).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 2).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 2).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 3).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 3).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 4).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 4).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 5).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 5).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 6).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 6).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 7).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 7).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 8).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 8).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC3 + 9).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, AAAC2 + 9).Value

End If

End If


For SCHOT = 0 To 30

ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(7 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(40 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(73 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(106 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(139 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(172 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(205 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(238 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(271 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(304 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(337 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(370 + SCHOT, 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(7 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(40 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(73 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(106 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(139 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(172 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(205 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(238 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(271 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(304 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(337 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(370 + SCHOT, 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(7 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(40 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(73 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(106 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(139 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(172 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(205 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(238 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(271 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(304 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(337 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(370 + SCHOT, 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(7 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(40 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(73 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(106 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(139 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(172 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(205 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(238 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(271 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(304 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(337 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(370 + SCHOT, 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(38, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(7 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(71, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(40 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(104, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(73 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(137, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(106 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(170, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(139 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(203, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(172 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(236, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(205 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(269, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(238 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(302, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(271 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(335, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(304 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(368, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(337 + SCHOT, 16).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(401, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(370 + SCHOT, 16).Value


For SCHOT = 0 To 11

ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 12).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 12).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 12).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 13).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 13).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 13).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 14).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 14).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 14).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 15).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 15).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 15).Value

ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 16).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 16).Value + ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 16).Value


For SCHOT = 0 To 11

If ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 15).Value > ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 16).Value Then

ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 17).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 15).Value - ZZZRRR2.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 16).Value

End If


If ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 15).Value > ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 16).Value Then

ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 17).Value = ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 15).Value - ZZZRRR2.Cells(403, 16).Value

End If


ZZZRRR2.Range("i7:k37").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i40:k70").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i73:k103").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i106:k136").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i139:k169").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i172:k202").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i205:k235").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i238:k268").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i271:k301").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i304:k334").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i337:k367").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i370:k400").NumberFormat = "h:mm"



















Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

If ComboBox2 <> "" Then

Dim AAAZ As Long

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim AAAZ2 As Long

Dim ††† As Long

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox2.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

AAAC = 6

AAAZ2 = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox1.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)





ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC).Value = Label246.Caption

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value = ComboBox4.Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value = ComboBox5.Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value = ComboBox6.Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value = ComboBox7.Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value = ComboBox8.Value

If ZZZRRR3.[x2] < ZZZRRR3.[w2] Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value = 24 + (CCur(ZZZRRR3.[x2].Value - ZZZRRR3.[w2].Value - ZZZRRR3.[y2].Value))

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ZZZRRR3.[x2] > ZZZRRR3.[w2] Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value = (CCur(ZZZRRR3.[x2].Value - ZZZRRR3.[w2].Value - ZZZRRR3.[y2].Value))

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

ZZZRRR3.[af1] = "d/a"

ZZZRRR3.[ag1] = "d/e"

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7) = ""

ZZZRRR3.[af2] = ""

ZZZRRR3.[ag2] = ""

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 23).Value <= ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 34).Value And ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 23).Value >= ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 35).Value Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 32).Value = (ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 34).Value - ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 23).Value)

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 24).Value > ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 35).Value And ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 24).Value < ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 34).Value Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 33).Value = (ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 24).Value - ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 35).Value)

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 32).Value + ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 33).Value < ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7) = CCur(ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value - (ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 32).Value + ZZZRRR3.Cells(2, 33).Value))

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value = ""

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value - ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7).Value > 0 Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value = CCur(ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value - ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 7).Value)

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).NumberFormat = "General"

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 2).Value = "Sun" Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 3).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 8).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 9).Value

End If

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 12) = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 13) = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 14) = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 15) = ""

For ††† = 1 To 31

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 12) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 12) + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + †††, 12)

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 13) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 13) + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + †††, 13)

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 14) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 14) + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + †††, 14)

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 15) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 15) + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + †††, 15)

Next †††

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 15) > ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 16) Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 17) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 15) - ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2 + 32, 16)

End If

Dim SCHOT As Long

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 12).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 13).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 14).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 15).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 16).Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 17).Value = ""

For SCHOT = 0 To 11

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 12).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 12).Value + ZZZRRR3.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 12).Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 13).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 13).Value + ZZZRRR3.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 13).Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 14).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 14).Value + ZZZRRR3.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 14).Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 15).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 15).Value + ZZZRRR3.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 15).Value

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 16).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 16).Value + ZZZRRR3.Cells(38 + (33 * SCHOT), 16).Value


If ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 15) > ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 16) Then

ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 17) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 15) - ZZZRRR3.Cells(403, 16)

End If

End If


Call ZVerlauf

Call ZeitStunden

Call ComboBox3_Change

Exit Sub



Call ZVerlauf

Call ZeitStunden

End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAC As Long

Dim AAAZ2 As Long

AAAC = 6

AAAZ2 = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox1.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)


ZZZRRR3.Range(Cells(3, AAAC), Cells(403, AAAC + 11)).Select





ZZZRRR2.Range("i7:k37").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i40:k70").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i73:k103").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i106:k136").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i139:k169").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i172:k202").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i205:k235").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i238:k268").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i271:k301").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i304:k334").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i337:k367").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.Range("i370:k400").NumberFormat = "h:mm"

ZZZRRR2.[f3] = ""

ZZZRRR2.[f4] = ""

ZZZRRR2.Columns("a").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'a

ZZZRRR2.Columns("b").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'b

ZZZRRR2.Columns("c").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'g

ZZZRRR2.Columns("d").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'd

ZZZRRR2.Columns("e").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'e

ZZZRRR2.Columns("f").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'f

ZZZRRR2.Columns("g").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'g

ZZZRRR2.Columns("h").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'g

ZZZRRR2.Columns("I").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'I

ZZZRRR2.Columns("j").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'j

ZZZRRR2.Columns("k").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'k

ZZZRRR2.Columns("L").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'L

ZZZRRR2.Columns("m").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'm

ZZZRRR2.Columns("n").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'n

ZZZRRR2.Columns("o").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'o

ZZZRRR2.Columns("P").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'P

ZZZRRR2.Columns("Q").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'Q

ZZZRRR2.Cells(AAAZ2, 1).Select

Unload Me

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()

On Error GoTo EERR

Unload Me

Dim AAAA As Variant

Dim strSuchen As Variant

AAAA = MsgBox("" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Are you sure you want to delete everything?" & Chr(13) & "", vbYesNo, "       Delete everything")

If AAAA = vbNo Then

Exit Sub


End If

strSuchen = Application.InputBox(Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Password:", "       Delete everything ")

If strSuchen <> 3 Then

MsgBox "The password is incorrect!", , "       Delete everything"

Exit Sub


End If

ZZZRRR3.Range("f7:q38").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f40:q71").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f73:q104").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f106:q137").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f139:q170").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f172:q203").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f205:q236").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f238:q269").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f271:q302").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f304:q335").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f337:q368").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f370:q401").Value = ""

ZZZRRR3.Range("f403:q403").Value = ""


MsgBox "Everything is deleted", 48, ""

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

On Error GoTo EERR


ZZZRRR3.[ah1] = "Night hours of"

ZZZRRR3.[ai1] = "Night hours until"

ZZZRRR3.[ah2] = ""

ZZZRRR3.[ai2] = ""

Dim AAAZ As Long

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("t2:t1441").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ZZZRRR4.[f2]), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

ZZZRRR3.[ah2] = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 21).Value

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("t2:t1441").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ZZZRRR4.[g2]), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

ZZZRRR3.[ai2] = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 21).Value

Exit Sub


ZZZRRR3.[ah2] = ""

ZZZRRR3.[ai2] = ""



MsgBox "Beginning and at the end of the night shift is not set!", 48, ""

Unload Me

End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

On Error GoTo EERR

With UserForm1

.Height = 399

.Width = 719.25

End With

Label233.Caption = ZZZRRR4.[e2]

Label237.Caption = CDate(ZZZRRR4.[f2])

Label238.Caption = CDate(ZZZRRR4.[g2])

Call crrrch

With ComboBox1

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a6]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a39]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a72]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a105]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a138]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a171]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a204]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a237]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a270]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a303]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a336]

.AddItem ZZZRRR3.[a369]

End With

Exit Sub


End Sub


Sub ZeitStunden()

On Error GoTo EERR

Label262.Caption = ""

Label263.Caption = ""

Label264.Caption = ""

Label265.Caption = ""

Label267.Caption = ""

Label273.Caption = ""

Label274.Caption = ""

Label275.Caption = ""

Label276.Caption = ""

Label277.Caption = ""

Label285.Caption = ""

Label286.Caption = ""

Label287.Caption = ""

Label288.Caption = ""

Label289.Caption = ""

Label290.Caption = ""

Dim AAAZ As Long

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox1.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

Label285.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + 32, 12).Value

Label286.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + 32, 13).Value

Label287.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + 32, 14).Value

Label288.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + 32, 15).Value

Label289.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + 32, 16).Value

Label290.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + 32, 17).Value

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox2.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

Label262.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 12).Value

Label263.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 13).Value

Label264.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 15).Value

Label265.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 16).Value

Label267.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 4).Value

Dim ZZAA As Long

Dim AAAZ2 As Long

ZZZRRR3.[aa1] = "Week Normal"

ZZZRRR3.[ab1] = "Week Night"

ZZZRRR3.[ac1] = "Week S/h"

ZZZRRR3.[ad1] = "Week Total h"

ZZZRRR3.[ae1] = "Week Should"

ZZZRRR3.[aa2] = ""

ZZZRRR3.[ab2] = ""

ZZZRRR3.[ac2] = ""

ZZZRRR3.[ad2] = ""

ZZZRRR3.[ae2] = ""

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox1.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

AAAZ2 = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox2.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

For ZZAA = 1 To 31

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + ZZAA, 4).Value = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ2, 4).Value Then

ZZZRRR3.[aa2] = ZZZRRR3.[aa2] + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + ZZAA, 12).Value

ZZZRRR3.[ab2] = ZZZRRR3.[ab2] + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + ZZAA, 13).Value

ZZZRRR3.[ac2] = ZZZRRR3.[ac2] + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + ZZAA, 14).Value

ZZZRRR3.[ad2] = ZZZRRR3.[ad2] + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + ZZAA, 15).Value

ZZZRRR3.[ae2] = ZZZRRR3.[ae2] + ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + ZZAA, 16).Value

Label273.Caption = ZZZRRR3.[aa2]

Label274.Caption = ZZZRRR3.[ab2]

Label275.Caption = ZZZRRR3.[ac2]

Label276.Caption = ZZZRRR3.[ad2]

Label277.Caption = ZZZRRR3.[ae2]

End If


Exit Sub


End Sub


Sub ZVerlauf()

On Error GoTo EERR

Dim AAAZ As Long


Dim V_N$

If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a370").Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox1.Value, lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

For IIII = 1 To 25

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 99)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 132)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 165)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 198)) = ""


For IIII = 1 To 25

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 99)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 6)

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 9) <> "" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 132)) = CDate(ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 9))


Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 132)) = ""

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 10) <> "" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 165)) = CDate(ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 10))


Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 165)) = ""

End If

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 1 + 198)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 15)


For IIII = 26 To 31

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 99)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 132)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 165)) = ""

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 198)) = ""


For IIII = 26 To 31

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 99)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 6)

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 9) <> "" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 132)) = CDate(ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 9))


Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 132)) = ""

End If

If ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 10) <> "" Then

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 165)) = CDate(ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 10))


Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 165)) = ""

End If

Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(IIII + 2 + 198)) = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ + IIII, 15)


End If

If ComboBox2.Value <> "" Then

AAAZ = CDbl(ZZZRRR3.Range("a5:a400").Cells.Find(What:=CDate(ComboBox2.Value), lookat:=xlWhole).Row)

Label251.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 7)

Label253.Caption = ZZZRRR3.Cells(AAAZ, 8)

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub




On Error Resume Next

Dim SCHRI As String

Dim TSCH As Long

Dim ††† As Long

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 1!", , ""

End If

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 3!", , ""

End If

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 5!", , ""

End If

SCHRI = ""


If SCHRI = "" Then

MsgBox "Error in step 6!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = CommandButton1.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 7!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Frame1.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 8!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label1.Left

If TSCH <> 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 9!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label2.Left

If TSCH <> 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 10!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 3 To 26

TSCH = 1

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH <> 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 11!", , ""

End If

Next †††

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label27.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 12!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 28 To 33

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 13!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 34 To 59

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 14!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 60 To 66

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 15!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 67 To 92

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 16!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 93 To 99

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 17!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 100 To 125

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 18!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 126 To 132

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 19!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 133 To 158

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 20!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 159 To 165

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 21!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 166 To 191

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 22!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 192 To 198

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 23!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 199 To 224

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 24!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 225 To 231

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 25!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 232 To 233

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 26!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 234 To 238

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 27!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 239 To 241

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 28!", , ""

End If

Next †††

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label242.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 29!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = ComboBox1.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 29!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label243.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 30!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = ComboBox2.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 30!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Label244.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 31!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 245 To 249

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 32!", , ""

End If

Next †††

TSCH = 0

TSCH = ComboBox3.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 33!", , ""

End If

For ††† = 250 To 253

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 34!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 4 To 5

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 35!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 254 To 256

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 36!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 6 To 8

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 37!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 257 To 261

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 40!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 262 To 265

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 41!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 266 To 272

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 42!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 273 To 277

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 43!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 278 To 284

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 44!", , ""

End If

Next †††

For ††† = 285 To 290

TSCH = 0

TSCH = Me.Controls("Label" & CStr(†††)).Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 45!", , ""

End If

Next †††

TSCH = 0

TSCH = CommandButton2.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 46!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = CommandButton3.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 47!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = CommandButton4.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 48!", , ""

End If

TSCH = 0

TSCH = CommandButton5.Left

If TSCH = 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in step 49!", , ""

End If

End Sub



On Error GoTo ERR

TBB1.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

TBB2.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

KuNr.Enabled = True

KuNr.BackColor = &HC0FFFF

Dim IC As String

IC = CoB1

 If CoB1 > "" Then


End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zlr" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

Dim AAAZ As Variant

Dim AAAC As Variant

POMO.[a2] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

POMO.[a3] = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Column

AAAZ = CDbl(POMO.[a2])

AAAC = CDbl(POMO.[a3])

SPALTA1 = ""

SPALTA2 = ""

SPALTA3 = ""

SPALTA4 = ""

SPALTA5 = ""

SPALTA6 = ""

SPALTA7 = ""

SPALTB1 = ""

SPALTB2 = ""

SPALTB3 = ""

SPALTB4 = ""

SPALTB5 = ""

SPALTB6 = ""

SPALTB7 = ""

SPALTC1 = ""

SPALTC2 = ""

SPALTC3 = ""

SPALTC4 = ""

SPALTC5 = ""

SPALTC6 = ""

SPALTC7 = ""

SPALTD1 = ""

SPALTD2 = ""

SPALTD3 = ""

SPALTD4 = ""

SPALTD5 = ""

SPALTD6 = ""

SPALTD7 = ""

SPALTE1 = ""

SPALTE2 = ""

SPALTE3 = ""

SPALTE4 = ""

SPALTE5 = ""

SPALTE6 = ""

SPALTE7 = ""

SPALTF1 = ""

SPALTF2 = ""

SPALTF3 = ""

SPALTF4 = ""

SPALTF5 = ""

SPALTF6 = ""

SPALTF7 = ""

SPALTG1 = ""

SPALTG2 = ""

SPALTG3 = ""

SPALTG4 = ""

SPALTG5 = ""

SPALTG6 = ""

SPALTG7 = ""








KuNr = ""

TBB1.Value = ""

TBB2.Value = ""

TBB3.Value = ""

TBB4.Value = ""

TBB5.Value = ""

TBB6.Value = ""

POMO.[a1] = ""

POMO.[b1] = ""

POMO.[c1] = ""

POMO.[d1] = ""

POMO.[e1] = ""

POMO.[F1] = ""

POMO.[g1] = ""

POMO.[h1] = ""

POMO.[i1] = ""

POMO.[j1] = ""

POMO.[k1] = ""

POMO.[L1] = ""

POMO.[m1] = ""

If POMO.[a2] < 65536 Then

Dim ††† As Variant

If POMO.[a3] = 1 Then

POMO.[a4] = 0

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

If POMO.[a3] = 7 Then

POMO.[a4] = 6

††† = POMO.[a4]

End If

SPALTA = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, AAAC + 6).Value

If POMO.[a2] > 8 Then

SPALTA1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 6, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 7 Then

SPALTA2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 5, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 6 Then

SPALTA3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 4, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 5 Then

SPALTA4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 3, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 4 Then

SPALTA5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG5 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 2, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 3 Then

SPALTA6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG6 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ - 1, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

If POMO.[a2] > 2 Then

SPALTA7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC - †††).Value

SPALTB7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 1).Value

SPALTC7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 2).Value

SPALTD7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 3).Value

SPALTE7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 4).Value

SPALTF7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 5).Value

SPALTG7 = ActiveSheet.Cells(AAAZ, AAAC + 6).Value

End If

 End If

 End If

If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Zlr" And ActiveSheet.Name <> "POMO" Then

TANA = ActiveSheet.Name

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


